Tool #3 Wordle "Word Cloud"

Wordle: kind words

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

After 11 Tools Reflection

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? My favorite tools include: The BLOG itself...I love the idea of communicating with other using a medium such as blogging. Google tools to share information...Google documents is awesome! Being able to share information with others...having your documents accessible online always is AWESOME. Exploring Mobile Technology and Apps is a cool FREE/FUN way to learn. Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools. I would love to create a BLOG with my students! This year, I will survey my families...find out how many have access to a computer at home...I love for my students to use our classroom BLOG as Free Forum ...a place where they can go and share "public and appropriate" stories, poems and thoughts! We can add videos and pictures etc...a FUN on-going PROJECT.
2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? My thinking about TECHNOLOGY in the classroom has truly been transformed. My comfort level with technology can now "rub" off on my students. I am now "armed" with tools to share with them. I can truly see technology in my classroom future...I love Photo Story! We will make TONS and TONS of them.
3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? Yes, there were several unexpected outcomes! I didn't expect to become so excited about TECHNOLOGY! Technology is great and it should be EMBRACED not FEARED! I look forward to learning more so I can share more with my students!

Tool#11 Practicing good digital citizenship

Hip-Hip-Hooray! I am on the last exciting! This tool focuses on discussing at least three things I would want to make sure my students understood about being good digital citizens. I will also explain how I would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to my students.

Three things I would want my students to understand about being good digital citizens:
1. Abusing technology is INAPPROPRIATE!
2. Keep personal information PRIVATE is important
3. Citing your sources is FAIR

I would "teach" the idea of digital citizen like any other concept...we will create a list of ideas that we believe a good digital citizen posses. Then we will role play/model some of the ideas and then we would implement them. Keeping a checklist of "What a good digital citizen is or should be" next to the computer will serve as a reminder.

Tool#10 Exploring Mobile Technology Apps

Yea! I finally made it to Tool#10. For this tool, I solicited assistance from my 12 year old son. Andrew has an Ipod Touch and I wanted to use it (It's usually glued to his hand...I know that Andrew should have a huge thumb muscle)! I explained to Andrew what I was going to do with "his" Ipod and he was excited...he wanted to search for "Educational Apps", he only had "Non-Educational" Apps on his Ipod.
The first free educational app we reviewed was: "Math Drills Lite"....Math Drills Lite would provide the students tons of opportunities to practice (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.) This app can be used as a warm-up or in a math center....Very independent!
The second free educational app we reviewed was: "Timed Reading"...The Time Reading program has varying grade levels Kinder-Fourth...The students can choose their grade and read a story. What's one of the benefits of this app? It provides the students' reading fluency (Data for the Teacher :o)
The third free educational app we reviewed was: "Maps Free"...Maps free can be used as a warm-up in social studies. Students' can review their states and capitals.
Working with my son was a lot of FUN! He stated "I can see myself doing warm-ups and reading on my Ipod daily!" I believe my students would benefit from the use of an Ipod (to do warm-ups and read stories etc)...using technology is Fun for kids...I'm so glad these apps are FREE and AVAILABLE...I really hope my classroom receives an Ipod Touch!

Tool#9 Sharing Information through Jing and Skype

Hello All...Tool#9 was totally "new" to me. Screencast, Jing and Skype was a new learning experience. For this tool, I will answer/discuss Screencast, Jing and Skype. I hope my responses are clear and beneficial to my GREAT BLOG Followers :o)

1a. Discuss how the screencast could help your students...In my humble opinion, I believe Screencast is helpful to students because it provides students with the ability to access and/or view lessons & discussions at any time. The can review previously taught/learned concepts. This will definitely accommodate/assist the varying learning styles and speeds of our students.
1b. Discuss how you might have students use Jing...Students can use Jing to capture images and create video of what they see on screen. Jing will allow students to capture what they want to say with a picture and video INSTANTLY!!! Teachers can allow crate tutorials for their students using Jing which is always helpful.
2. Discuss how you might use Skype with your students and share across the district, the state, the nation, or the world! The use of Skype in the classroom is "plentiful"...The following link provides over 50 Awesome Ways to use Skype in the Classroom! Enjoy...I enjoyed reading about all the ways to implement Skype in classroom.
This concludes Tool#9........Tool#10 "Here I COME!!!" I peaked ahead at Tool#10 and thankfully, my son has Ipod Touch I can use :o)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tool#8 Video Resources

Hello All... I'm back with Tool#8...Tool#8 is familiar and relevant. I use videos in my classroom to introduce and/or reinforce what we are discussing. I selected to hot link videos about the Water Cycle and The Life Cycle...these two cycles are included in our curriculum. ENJOY! By the way, my favorite video resources include: United Streaming, Teacher Tube and You Tube !

The Water Cycle

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Tool#7 Digital Storytelling

Hello All,

This is my re-post of "Digital Storytelling" I deleted the first one (It was really, really, really boring) I had 2 slides and no narration. Not that this one is better, but I'm getting the hang of it!I'm telling a "NOT-SO exciting story about Fruits and Veggies. I love Photo Story....I can see myself using this all the time with my students. This was the most exciting tool for me. I need to get my "creative juices" flowing and decide how I want to use this AWESOME tool with my students. Yea! Photo Story :o)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tool#6 Wikis

Hello All,
I'm back....ready for Tool#6. I was somewhat "familiar" with this tool....stress free assignment.
I will answer a few questions about [Wikis]...
How might students use wikis to aid in their learning...First of all, I would have several lessons with my students. We will discuss how using wikis can help us learn/create different things. In order for them to be able to use this tool to the best of their ability, they must learn the purpose. Once an understanding has been established, students can use wikis to aid in their learning. Below, I will provide an awesome link that will list and describe at least 50 ways to use wikis for a more collaborative and interactive classroom. Please enjoy! I was amazed at all the ways I can implement the use of wikis in my classroom.
In addition, I learned how "I" as a "Teacher" and my fellow "Teachers" can benefit from wiki in the classroom. Please see the link below.

Yea! I'm half way through...... Stay tuned!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tool #5 Tagging and Social Bookmarking

Hello All,
Tagging and Social Bookmarking! Wow...something new! Being able to organize the "zillion and one" bookmarks I have is GREAT!

I selected to use delicious to build and organize my bookmarks. It was easy, due to the fact I already have a yahoo account.

1st, I bookmarked education: This site is a great asset for special education teachers and parents. This site contains a wealth of information! There are also great Blogs to follow (ask questions and reply to questions). The site and link are provided below. Special Education
2nd, I bookmarked mathmagician: This is a site I plan on using frequently with my students (at least once or twice a week). This site provides additon, subtraction, multiplication and division drills (students are able to earn & print certificates!)

The tags I used were quite simple for special education (I used special ed + info) and for mathmagician (I used math + drills).

I believe social bookmarking will be useful in the classroom to me as well as to the students. I can honestly say, "I don't remember half of the stuff I have bookmarked in the past" I never remember to use the wonderful sites I have come across.

Well, this mission is complete! I have several more to go. I'm moving at a SNAILS PACE, but i'm getting it done :o).
Thanks to all who have come to view and support MRS. GREEN'S BLOG SPOT!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Tool#4 Cool Google Tools

Hip-Hip-Hooray! I completed Tool#4.
Google Docs is GREAT! As long as Google Docs is safe and secure, I can imagine that I will be using this tool quite often. In my Speciality I deal with tons and tons of paperwork. This tool will be beneficial when communicating with parents (i.e. sharing a draft IEP with the parents allows them to provide input by adding and removing items from the document). Google Docs will also be a helpful tool with my team. As a team, we can share (data collection forms, IEP information etc...)
Google Reader is AWESOME! Google reader allows me to keep up with the BLOGS I am following. I can also keep track of other information that is important to me.
Learning about these two tools was very helpful! I really believe I will become a GOOGLE DOCS Pro!!!
Stay tuned as I continue my quest to become Computer SAVVVVY...I can truly say, I'm enjoying it and my anxiety level is going down.