Tool #3 Wordle "Word Cloud"

Wordle: kind words

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tool#6 Wikis

Hello All,
I'm back....ready for Tool#6. I was somewhat "familiar" with this tool....stress free assignment.
I will answer a few questions about [Wikis]...
How might students use wikis to aid in their learning...First of all, I would have several lessons with my students. We will discuss how using wikis can help us learn/create different things. In order for them to be able to use this tool to the best of their ability, they must learn the purpose. Once an understanding has been established, students can use wikis to aid in their learning. Below, I will provide an awesome link that will list and describe at least 50 ways to use wikis for a more collaborative and interactive classroom. Please enjoy! I was amazed at all the ways I can implement the use of wikis in my classroom.
In addition, I learned how "I" as a "Teacher" and my fellow "Teachers" can benefit from wiki in the classroom. Please see the link below.

Yea! I'm half way through...... Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. You were right, the sites were awesome. I acknowledged that I used and saved, the 50 my Wiki blog. Thanks for sharing. :)
